Monday, April 11, 2016

Elven aesthetics


Welcome back Mellon !!

Ever heard of Aesthetics ? Well, they are montages of pictures made by brilliant artists throughout the web, and I find them really inspiring !!! What's more, it is a really cool and unexpensive way to create a decoration for any room :)
So today, I offer you this selection of aesthetics related with Tolkien's elves !! I hope you'll enjoy it, and let me know in the comments section if you want more !!!

P.S: Of course, I own nothing, all the amasing creations below are the property of their authors !!!   


The elven world by the talented :

I find these really pretty, and thus a great illustration of what the woodland life is about : Bow hunting and living in the forest, right ?


Elven royalty by :

 Pure, bright and handsome, make place for the elven royalty !!!

Elf aesthetic by

An aesthetic wich lays more emphasis on the "dark side" of mirkwood, and that is badass : prepare you armour, and let's go running in the gloomy haze.Oh yah ! 
(psssst ! Click on the pictures if you want to enlarge them ^^)

Did you liked it ? Let me know in he comments below, and don't forget to go check out the websites of the creators listed above, their work is amazing !! Bye :)