Saturday, January 16, 2016

The weaponery of legloas in LOTR

 Legolas's weaponery is a great source of inspiration for any elf in middle-earth. Here is an article about the awesome equipement he uses in the LOTR trilogy.

The Weaponery of Legloas : LOTR 

In LOTR,  Legolas is considered to have unmatched skills with a bow. Nevertheless, he is also a master when it comes to dagger : his two white knifes are dealdy to any ennemy who dares stand in his way.

When the Fellowship was forged Legolas carried with him a Mirkwood bow made of dark wood, carved in the style of Númenorean longbows and fashioned with a pattern of golden leaves.
It is very likely that Legolas made this bow himself in his youth. When strung, this bow stood at 60 inches and could easily fire an arrow with great force across a 250-yard reach.
The arrows of Mirkwood were stained to match the coloring of the bow and were sturdy. They were 30 inches long and pointed with narrow tips that were designed to pierce both armour and flesh.

In Lórien, Legolas was given a bow blessed by the Lady Galadriel; it was carved from a single piece of mallorn heartwood. This bow was paler than his other, and was carved so it appeared to have leaves and vines climbing over it. When the Lorien bow was strung it measured 68 inches and could send an arrow 400 yards with great accuracy. The string of this bow was rumored to contain a single strand of the Lady Galadriel’s hair.

The arrows of Lórien were 40 inches long and thinner than the Mirkwood arrows. The arrows are dyed green and their tips were crafted into the shape of the mallorn leaves, which greatly increased the damage inflicted on a target. The Lórien quiver was crafted from wood and covered with leather and was crafted with the design of a peacock. This quiver held two dozen arrows and was belted across Legolas’ shoulders and torso ensuring that it did not move during travelling or battle.

The White Knives
Legolas’s white knives were kept in scabbards  attached to Legolas’ quiver when not needed. These knives were about two feet in length and were both held by eight-inch long handles. Their curved blades were made from the finest steel and engraved with a fine pattern of vines and scrollwork. They were honed on the downward side, giving Legolas an edge when fighting.

The knives were fashioned so that Legolas could use them quickly, and in slashing stroke and short stabbing motions.


Legolas rely on his hand and body speed in order to keep himself from getting wounded, which explains the fact that he is barely wearing an armour. The only oone that Legolas was known to wear were leather braces, though when he was preparing for the Battle of Helm’s Deep he also wore pauldrons of boiled leather.

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